USWNT vs Mexico VW CHAMP Player Honoree: Chisi
July 5th International Friendly – USWNT v. Mexico – East Hartford, CT

The July 5th Volkswagen player honoree comes from non-profit organization CoachArt, which serves children impacted by chronic illnesses such as cancer, cerebral palsy, arthritis, and other conditions that require ongoing treatment. CoachArt's volunteer coaches provide free arts and athletics lessons to help the kids they serve gain confidence and skills in a supportive environment. Chisi, age 8, from California has been a participant in CoachArt's soccer program for 3 years, and requires integrated care. She has a passion for the sport and is a huge Women's National Team Fan. Volkswagen is honored to have her participate as a player honoree through CHAMP at today's match.
Quote from Chisi: "I love to play soccer because I can use the tricks I learn from my Dad; I can also play and have fun with other kids. I am so excited to participate as a player honoree through CHAMP and meet some of my favorite players!”
Quote from Mom: “One of Chisi’s favorite things to do is watch soccer games. She looks up to Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe. It will be an opportunity of a lifetime for her to participate in the honoree program, and something she will never forget!”