An organization that plans to host a tournament or games involving foreign teams must complete an online hosting sanctioning application

Applications must be submitted using the online form. Please do not mail or email your application.

This application consists of the following components, submitted via the online form available here:

1. Basic information about the Tournament or Games;

2. Information about the foreign teams being hosted (template available here);

3. Other sanctioning agreements as required by your State Association, National Association, and/or Sectional Director;

4. Copies of the letters from each foreign team’s Federation granting permission to travel;

5. Completed Conditions Agreement for Hosting Foreign Teams in a Tournament or Games, with the appropriate supporting data, signed by the President or Chief Officer of the Host Organization and the Tournament Director (fillable PDF available for download here);

6. Certificate of Insurance for liability coverage not less than $100,000/$200,000/$25,000 for the Tournament or Games;

7. Copy of the Rules for the Tournament or Games (checklist available for download here);

8. Audited or notarized financial reports of similar events, if any, conducted by the organization; and

9. Application fee ($200.00) – credit card information collected as the last step of the application form

For information on travel restrictions to the U.S. due to COVID-19, check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In granting permission to host a tournament or games, U.S. Soccer is NOT liable for tournament/games logistics, overall tournament/game planning, invitation of participating team(s), transportation, accommodations, illness, loss of revenue, or injury to persons or property sustained in the course of the sanctioned event.

Please submit applications a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the start date of the event. U.S. Soccer is not required to accept or approve any applications submitted less than thirty (30) days in advance of the event or travel.

Questions about the application process for hosting can be directed to