Quotes: Ellis, Holiday, Heath, Lloyd, O'Reilly, Rapinoe and Rampone Exuberant About Fans at NYC Parade

Jill Ellis, Lauren Holiday, Tobin Heath, Carli Lloyd, Heather O'Reilly, Megan Rapinoe and Christie Rampone talk about their experience at the #USWNTParade in New York City
WNT NYC Parade
WNT NYC Parade

U.S. Women’s National Team Head Coach JILL ELLIS

On the Ticker Tape Parade:
“I actually googled a ticker tape because I had never really seen one but today was unbelievable. I mean, I thought winning a World Cup was special but this was, it was mind-blowing today.”

On the experience of this week - winning a World Cup and going to New York:
“I’d say it’s top right now. I mean this and the World Cup together, hand-in-hand, what a week. It’s unbelievable. I can’t even say I’ve dreamed about it because there’s nothing like this I could have ever imagined.”

On being the first female team honored with a Ticker Tape Parade:
“I think it’s huge. I know that not many teams get honored this way and to be the first female team is very significant and very important for us and for females in sport.”

On her favorite part of the day:
“Just being on the float and actually looking into people’s faces and seeing how happy they were. It was unbelievable.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Midfielder LAUREN HOLIDAY

On the experience of seeing fans in New York:
“I think hearing ‘Okay, we’re going to have a parade,’ I was like, ‘Oh, that’s pretty cool. Obviously, I’ve heard of it, I know that it’s cool, but it just exceeded all of our expectations. It’s seriously one of the coolest things I’ve ever been a part of and the people just kept  coming and just hearing all of them and how united they were to stand behind us this whole tournament was incredible and we can’t thank them enough.”

On her favorite moment of the day:
“My favorite moment on the float was A-Rod shushed the crowd and she actually started a chant and they all came along with it. That was pretty cool. I just feel like that they were so ready for us to interact with them and they actually listened to her when she shushed them. That was my favorite part.”

On how important the event was for Women’s sports:
“I’m not sure if we realize now how incredibly important this was for women’s sports in general; women’s soccer, obviously, but to have a ticker tape parade for women in however many years, I just think that we’re going to look back on this day and see that it was a defining moment in women’s sports and I feel so honored and blessed to be a part of that.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Midfielder TOBIN HEATH

On the overwhelming support:
“This whole day has pretty much blown me away. The support we have received, the people that came out, just the way the fans were cheering for us. I swear, at every bend there were more people, and more people were gathering and cheering. It was overwhelming the support and the love that we felt coming here and I’m still blown away and in shock and it’s definitely one of the coolest things that has ever happened in my life.”

On being from New Jersey and the feeling of coming home:
“Being from New Jersey, it feels definitely extra special. I feel like I am coming home. And I saw so many posters and so many people that were shouting out for me and it just felt tremendous. It really was a coming home and it was something that we could share with our fans and the support was unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

On the number of fans:
“I think in the beginning we weren’t sure how many people were going to be out on the streets and then once we saw just the masses and then the paper falling from the sky, I think in one moment I was just in awe of everything that was going on.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Midfielder CARLI LLOYD
On the impact of the victory:
“It was honestly an amazing thig. I remember thinking, ‘they’re here because of us,’ and that is unreal because of what we accomplished. We’ve etched our names in history. People will be talking about this, this moment for the rest of their lives.”

On this moment:
“This is the best moment of my life. Winning the world cup, having this parade in New York City, going to LA LIVE; everything has just been unbelievable. In the blink of an eye everything has changed and it’s a good thing.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Midfielder HEATHER O'REILLY
On the parade:
“I grew up in New Jersey, so I knew a ticker tape parade is a massive deal. I didn’t know how many people would turn out. I know that America loves this team, but I was just completely overwhelmed by the number of fans out there. I think we really touched a lot of people by what we did up in Canada and we’re real proud of that. Everybody was behind us, and we really felt that today with the seas of people!” 

On her favorite part:
“My favorite part of the parade was absolutely screaming the entire time. I was just leaning over the float and screaming, ‘We did it!’ Everybody was just erupting in applause and cheers. Everyvody was just going nuts and it was adrenaline the entire time. I had chills from all the support. It was amazing! Really cool.”

On the growth of the game:
“It’s absolutely massive. We’ve made some huge strides and we’re going to continue to do so, not just for women’s soccer but for women’s sports. We’re very proud of that; we very proud of this amazing sport that we love to play.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Midfielder MEGAN RAPINOE
On the crowd: 
“I don’t know. I don’t know what I expected. That was insane. I couldn’t believe it. I knew there’d be tons of people, but I can’t believe that there was that many people, and everyone up in the buildings and the windows… I can’t believe it; it was amazing!”

On if she had a favorite moment:
“It was just moment after moment after moment. Just after things died down, we’d go to another block and people were just so jazzed. Seeing people in the crowd too with the jerseys on and knowing us, it was so cool sharing that moment with them.”

On the magnitude of the victory and the last week:
“It’s totally surreal. Logically, I get it and understand how big it is, but that is incredible how we’re transcending so many platforms. To be in it is so overwhelming. I’m so thankful.” 

On the fans support:
“This was the most insane show of support and the fans were able to share it with us. Some of our friends and family were here and it just blew us out of the water completely. We know that we won the World Cup and that’s big; we know what we’re doing is special and amazing but that just totally blew everyone out of the water.”

U.S. Women’s National Team Defender CHRISTIE RAMPONE
On what she expected from today:
“Unbelievable! You never really know what to expect: being on those floats, seeing the confetti drop, and the crowd was so loud, it was so inspiring and I’m incredibly honored that the team was able to do that today.”

On hearing from Carol Heiss Jenkins: 
“An inspiration knowing that she did this 50+ years ago. So cute, so adorable. I just got off the phone with her, she just had hip surgery after all that time on the ice and to know she told us to look up and take it all in because it goes by fast. She was so right, and it was magical just like she said in her letter. We do believe. She was such an inspiration and I’m glad we got to do it together.”

On seeing the fans:
“I just took it all in. Just seeing all my people from Jersey and all the Jersey signs out there inspiring and the young kids in red, white and blue with big smiles on their faces, it doesn’t get better than that!”