Volkswagen Honoree Spotlight: Bailey D.

USWNT vs. Nigeria, June 16, Austin, Texas Presented by VW

The Volkswagen Honoree Spotlight program is a collaboration between U.S. Soccer and VW to highlight children with a passion for the game. Today's VW Honoree is Bailey D., who is 12 years old from Austin, Texas. Bailey was nominated by the local VW Austin Dealer for her true love of the sport and passion. As a goalkeeper, Bailey is always looking to improve her skills and she looks up to the U.S. Women’s National Team for inspiration.

Get to know more about Bailey!  


Who is your favorite U.S. Soccer player?
Alyssa Naeher, because she is a great goalkeeper and she’s someone I look up to and admire.

Why do you love soccer?
It is an amazing thrill to play will all of your best friends and having the ball at your feet is just an awesome experience.


What is the most important lesson you have learned from playing sports?
Hard work pays off.


Who inspires you the most and why?
Kyleigh, the older team goalkeeper at my club. She pushes me to improve and inspires me to be better.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A professional soccer player or a doctor.


What are you most excited to do this summer?

Go to the U.S. Women’s National Team soccer game and Schlitterbahn Water Park in Texas.


What or who are you thankful for?

My teammates because they are always there for me.